If you’re not already using Telegram, you should be. The messaging software is gaining in popularity, with over 500 million monthly active users around the world. And chances are your customers are using it, too. So it make sense to get familiar with Telegram and see what it can do for your business.
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What exactly is Telegram?
Telegram is a free chat service that values speed and security. The app’s success is due in large part to its strong privacy policy. The software allows you to communicate via messages, photographs, videos, stickers, and files.
According to Insider, the key advantages of Telegram are as follows:
- End-to-end encryption: You can use the secret chat mode to have your communication encrypted from start to finish.
- Messages that self-destruct: hidden messages can be programmed to self-destruct after a certain amount of time.
- Telegram enables file attachments of up to 2 GB in size.
Advantages of using Telegram for your business?
As customers become more concerned about privacy, Telegram is becoming a more viable option for companies’ communications. Customers prefer to use a secure messaging app to convey sensitive information, and while it’s not a must-have yet, it’s likely to become an indispensable tool in the near future.
Groups on the Telegram messaging service
Telegram’s group functions are very appealing for companies. There are groups and supergroups that enable you to engage with individuals ranging from 200 to 5,000. You can use it to keep in touch with your clients by using this simple method.
Channels in the Telegram messaging service.
Telegram channels are a great way to stay in touch with your audience. You can set up a channel and broadcast messages to all of your subscribers. There is no limit to the number of subscribers a טלגראס קישור channel can have, so you can reach as many people as you want. Channels are a great way to keep your customers up to date on new products, services, and other developments.
Files may be shared
When contributing additional files, have you ever been redirected from your site to another? With Telegram, users can send contracts, forms, and other files up to 2 GB in size without having to switch channels. As a result, you’ll never have to worry about exchanging documents again.
Customer service through Telegram
Customers that contact you have likely already looked at your product or service and have a specific query. You canrespond to these inquiries by just sending a message, or you can use one of the following fascinating features to provide next-level support:
With Telegram, you can start a video call with up to 1,000 viewers. This is perfect for providing live help during personal chats or enlightening a large group of clients simultaneously.
Screen sharing can be a great way to provide visual assistance during a video conference. To share your screen, simply follow these steps:
- Open the screen sharing menu
- Select the window or application you want to share
- Start sharing your screen